Break Up Poems/All New Poems Breakup-(The Forgotten Love)

New poems break up
Break💔up poems

Break Up Poems  

(You Were My Special One)

It hurts that someone so special, 
Leaves you and goes, 
It hurts that someone special, 
Everything he knows, 
Still you chose the other way, 
So, I don't have, much to say,
Except from a final bye, 
It will hurt me till time, 
That you were mine!

(The Forgotten Love)

Why love is so complicated, 
Why my fate is so ill-fated 
I thought that we would be together forever, 
I thought we would be one, 
But, I was wrong all the way, 
As you did not say, 
Anything that day, 
You just went away, 
So, be it this way, 

(Sweet & Bitter Part of Life)

Life is just meant to be this way, 
It's your way or my way,
I think we were not meant to be, 
It is for you to see, 
But, I am glad that you came in my life, 
You gave me lessons to strive, 
I will cherish your part in my life forever, 

(The Unfulfilled Wish)

Wish someone reverse the time, 
The time when you were mine, 
Wish those memories come back, 
Wish someone heals this crack, 
I so wish we never parted, 
I wish we could be there, 
When it started, 
But time is not the same again!

(Stay Happy For Me)

I had a vision of us together, 
But, that did not happen any way, 
I just don't know what to feel, 
I just don't know what to say, 
Feeling sad that this won't happen, 
But, glad that you are happy, 
Stay content as I am the same, 
Let's not end this with blame!

(My pain and me)

My laughter and my pain, 
My happiness and my gain, 
My small little moments
My things and all per say,
You have taken it all 
And, there is no way, 
That I can go ahead in life, 
You have caused the hurt, 
And, I would be deprived 
Of love in my life!

(Broken dreams)

I am totally broken from inside 
I did not expect this in my life, 
The pieces of my heart and my love lost
The many feelings that crossed 
The mind is still numb,
Remembering you and the times of love 
Can't get over those 
Can't really get over the time,
When you were all mine!

(Never looked back)

You never looked back,
I was standing on the door, 
You did not turn, you did not wave
The many situations which you paved 
Has created a loss forever you know 
I may not believe in love 
I may not really so, 
My heart will not love again 
My feelings will never grow 
As you have given me a hurt of lifetime!

(My heart and Me)

Of broken dreams and my ached heart,
You left me in tears and apart,
You could have told me to go,
I would have left you in peace,
Why did you create such a scene, 
You broke my heart so bad 
I don't feel sorry 
I don't feel sad, 
Just the feeling of a broken dream, 
That will remain with me forever 
I won't forget, I won't forgive!

(Played with me)

You played with my heart 
You cheated on me 
I may not show it on my face 
But, you played with my love 
And I feel disgraced 
That I ever loved a man like you 
Go away and don't come back 
I will stay on my own!
I don't need any reasons from you! 
Reasons so unknown!

(Nothing is constant)

Nothing is constant in life,
Not even love my friend, 
Some people come in your life 
Just to pretend, 
They take away your love 
They take away your dreams
They give you silent tears 
With some silent screams
Nothing is constant in life
Not even love!

(Feeling helpless) 

I am feeling so helpless 
And I am feeling so much of pain 
Why did I love you so much 
I still remember your loving touch, 
I don't think I would love anyone after you,
You were special one in few
Why did you break my heart and went
I still remember your sent 
The feelings of love left!

(When you feel sad)

When you feel for someone, 
You really feel that hard,
The feelings that I had for you were special
The feelings were true 
But, you left me in a state of shock 
And in the blue 
You have no price for emotions
You don't care for heart 
I am also happy being apart! 
But, won't be able to trust in life 
It is tough to strive!

(An image that is so blurred)

An image that got so blurred 
My life is also the same 
It used to smile with you besides 
I used to be happy with your name 
Things are just not the same 
I do not know whom to blame 
Its brunt of destiny that is on me 
I think I have known to be 
The matters of the heart known 
And ways to get away with blown 
Now I do not cry anymore 
Because I have lost my love 
I have lost you in my life!

(I still remember your first )

I still remember that first talk 
I still remember when our eyes met 
I still remember that pretty smile 
I still remember the moments in while 
I still remember that first rain 
I still remember that first pain 
I still remember the love in the heart 
I still take you as a part 
Nevertheless, you do not take me yours 
So I would wish you well and love 
Wherever you go in life 
It is a final goodbye from my side 
A heart broken this side!

(Time just turns upside down)

Things just turn upside down 
When life does not have a way 
Two people fall in love 
And give it all they can in say 
But things are just not meant to be 
Some things get odd in time 
You and me together my love 
Were just not meant and destined 
Love will still play a part 
It has nothing to do with time 
I lost my all to you 
It is a final goodbye from my side!

(True love is all about giving )

True love is all about giving 
That respect from the heart 
But what if respect was missing 
In this relation from the start 
I tried my best to stick to it 
I tried my best to sustain 
When things are just not meant to be 
What is the use of taking the pain? 
It is better to move on with life 
It is better that we forget it all 
It is better to be this way 
It is a final goodbye from me to you 
Is all I want to say!

( Love is eternal and you know)

Love is eternal it can't change 
Sometimes things do get too strange 
The power of love stays with you 
So what if people are apart 
One beat skipped does not change the heart 
I know we were not meant to be 
I know we were not meant to be together 
But, let me wish you all the luck 
For ever and yes forever
Wish you have a good life ahead, 
As it's the final goodbye from my side 
For all the things you want in life 
It is all over from my side!

(I cried so much for you)

I cried so much for you 
The pain could be seen in my eyes 
I cried all night for you 
Thinking that you would suffice 
I know this would not be the same 
I know that you are broken too 
Still I am holding on an emotion 
I am holding on something I know 
Wish to have your love again 
Wish to have an amazing life 
But that is all gone now 
Only a broken heart will survive 
With feelings of your love!

(The love that can survive )

The love that can survive with time 
Is the best kind of love 
I am afraid I cannot say that about me 
One wind that blew it all away 
One reason that gave it all in the way 
My love had no power 
My love was so weak I know 
Nothing can make me feel that way 
Nothing can be the same way 
Things are all wrong I know 
My love was not the same for you 
I am sorry it ended this way and through 
A loving goodbye for the last time!

(I wish things were simple)

I wish things were so simple 
I wish that I could forget you in no time
But when matters of heart are prime 
You do not have much choice in life 
Our love did not work 
The way I wanted it to 
But all the moments that I spent with you 
Were surely blessed and worthy too 
Things were not the same I know 
But I thought it would have 
Now I am left with silent tears 
Left with my internal fears 
Left with a broken heart 
A heart that is not so mine!

(I can still feel that heartbeat)

I can still feel tar heartbeat 
I can still feel your pain 
There is nothing that we lost 
And thing ever to gain 
Things were just not meant to be 
We were not destined to be 
In a love relationship my dear 
Just go with the flow and move on 
Let go of your fear 
Life will be better for you from now 
You have to smile and how 
And make love a winner in life 
Goodbye a final time 
This is a goodbye from my side!

 (Good by are painful in life )

Goodbyes are always painful 
Heartbreaks always hurt in life 
I am still reeling in this pain 
I am still reeling in this in vain
Just want to wish you a final goodbye 
So that I never see you again 
There was love lost you should know 
A love lost in time to know 
So a final goodbye from my side 
So that you would also know 
That love has taken it all 
A broken heart with pieces 
Is all that I have now!

(I could not take that)

I could not take what you told 
I could not take your anger untold 
I could not take insult anymore 
I have made my mind now 
I have to find answers to how 
Its breakup from my end 
To all the things that were 
In between us with no pretend 
I will wish you well in your life 
Times have changed I can survive 
Without you and your love on my life 
A final goodbye from my side 
I am breaking up this forever in tide!

(Time spent with you) 

I had spent good time with you 
So many moments that I had with you 
I will cherish all those moments 
I will cherish your company forever 
Its destiny that is making its way 
Today and forever in this day 
Some things are just not meant to be
The things that I do share to see 
Goodbye from my side my dear 
This is my breakup forever for you 
May you stay blessed wherever you are 
I had such amazing time with you 
That I will cherish forever!

(You broke my heart so bad)

You broke my heart badly with your words 
You broke my heart with your ways 
You accused me of things I don't do 
You played with my heart and cheated too 
My heart is shattered and it's broken 
Of finding things in the hue 
I can't trust anyone in my life 
As I had trusted you 
I don't know what true love is 
True love that I had felt for you 
Its all over with on moment 
An emotion that changes it all 
Where I would like to see things 
And things that don't really fall..I am heartbroken!

(If you want to say goodbye)

If you want to say goodbye forever 
Then you can't take away my memories 
Goodbyes are often difficult I know 
There are not many ways to show 
Goodbyes will always you crying in pain
It will helm your tears in vain 
Sometimes parting is the only 
Option left in your life
There is no other way or reason 
To hold on or to strive 
Say goodbye to all the ones who 
Who have broken your heart so bad 
Leaving you in a state of delusion 
Leaving you in a state so sad 
All heartbroken in life!

(It is never easy to part ways) 

It's never easy to part ways 
With someone you love so dear 
It's not easy to part ways, 
It's like you lose the cheer 
Your life is lost somewhere 
In the by lanes of the darkness
Where there is no scope of light 
When life is not that bright 
It's never easy to mend a broken heart 
As I have been through this agony 
So from the very start 
It's not easy to part ways in the whale of time 
Until yesterday someone was mine
I have lost the person forever!

(The most painful part of me) 

The most painful part of me 
The most things I can see 
I am not sure of what I want 
I am not sure of what you need 
We were so happy together 
We were there for each other 
Then why did we part our ways 
It's a breakup from me as well 
As I don't want you to dwell 
In things that don't matter 
In matters of my heart..Goodbye from me!

(You have caused the pain )

You have caused that pain in my life 
You have caused the agony 
You have caused that turmoil 
You have caused so much of grief 
You have caused the tears in my eyes 
Not making me sound so wise 
You have given me extreme pain 
The pain that I can see in my eyes 
You have caused things that I do 
You have caused it in the hue 
This pain is being inevitable now 
I will not love anyone in life!

(Breakups are really painful )

Breakups are really painful in life 
It leaves you with bitter taste of love 
But I don't want that to happen 
I don't want this with us 
I wish you well and I wish you good 
Wherever you go in your life my dear 
I will always cherish the good time I have had 
I will always cherish the good time with cheer 
So this breakup is like freedom for me 
Which I will celebrate with dignity 
Some things are just not meant to be 
It's good to accept it all the way!

(You have changed a lot )

You have changed me so much 
You have caused that grief in life
You have played with my heart so bad 
You have left me in a state so sad 
I will not love anymore 
I won't love anyone in life 
You are the reason why I am here 
You are the reason why I hate 
The word love in life 
Love is the only feeling 
That always breaks my heart 
It broke my heart so bad, 
It's a final goodbye from my end!

(Do you remember the things )

Do you remember that heart which I gave 
All the things that we shared 
You remember how you cared 
You remember how things changed 
You remember in ways estranged 
You remember the good times we had 
Do you remember that first kiss?
Nothing is the same as it used to be 
Time has taken everything away 
It's going to be only your way 
I am breaking up with you 
Breaking up from all the things 
That I had shared with you! 

(There is so much in life)

There is so much pain in life 
The pain that I can't truly show 
it's all over between us now 
So much that I could never show 
All over in whale of time 
I may never understand this 
Life has been so unfair with us 
Life has played a role 
Some silent tears left in life 
Pain of getting through 
Nothing seems the same in life 
Nothing seems so new 
It is all over between me and you 
It's all over now, in hue 
It is all over now!

(It is a goodbye from my side)

It is a goodbye I want to tell you 
The last time that I may say 
I have lost all the perceptions of 
Love and love every way 
You know that I loved you so much 
You know that I loved your touch 
Why you did not understand my love 
Why you did not understand me all The way, 
I think I have lost every way 
I have lost the love I could see know that 
It's all over between you and me
I have no feelings left for you 
As it's a the final goodbye from my side 
Know that I am breaking up with you 
It's a final goodbye!

(When I told you that I had)

When I told you that I had reasons
Reasons to stay this way in life 
Chose to be with you along 
Just like a wonderful song 
But you never understood my love 
You never did every way 
Its love lost is all I can say 
Love lost in things dismay 
Nothing is left as it should be 
Nothing is left for me to see 
It's all lost before it could start 
Its lost and lost in time 
This love was not meant to be 
This love was never destined 
Its all lost from my side 
Goodbye to you!

(Nothing hurts in life)

Nothing hurts in life much 
Like the love lost inside 
It's much so to say in love 
That I have truly left with none 
I remember all the moments with you 
Do you even have a clue? 
That life is truly not the same 
Do not know where I will put this blame 
I know that it matters a lot 
I know that this means a lot 
But, now I know for sure 
That this is not meant to be 
Now I know for sure 
That things are just not left to see 
It's a final breakup from my end 
Goodbye from me!

(It is sad that it's over)

It's sad that it's all over now 
It's sad that it is all in flames 
Nothing is left in between us 
Nothing is left just to see 
It's your way so to say in life 
Or it's my way to see 
Nothing has just stayed this way 
As I wanted it to be 
The love and that bonding 
And things that mattered to me 
It's all over in between us 
All over I would like to say 
It's either your choice in life 
I have nothing left to say 
So it's a final goodbye from my side!

(Maybe this is the last time)

Maybe this is the last time 
I am telling you goodbye 
Breaking up with you is tough 
I do not have a choice 
Some things are just not meant to me 
Not that I will not miss being with you 
I have to move on with my life 
I wish the same for you 
Just remember the love in your heart 
Just remember be as your part 
As I wish the best for you 
I am breaking up with you 
Goodbye from my side 
Love lost in time!

(I should have known this)

I should have known you from before 
I should have known the matters of heart 
I should have known the deep meanings 
And all the things that made us apart 
You never loved me truly 
You never really cared for me 
So it's a final goodbye from my end 
It wasn't meant in destiny 
I don't love you anymore 
Nothings left in life now 
Except for pain and longing in my heart 
You were never my part!

(Breaking up with someone you love)

Breaking up with someone you 
Love is never a thing of gain 
it's so much pain inside 
So much of agony in vain
Destiny has really played with me 
With my feelings per say 
it's a final goodbye from my side 
Final is all I wish to say 
Nothing will remain this way 
Nothing when I just want to say 
So final goodbye from my side 
For whatever happened in life 
it's true that true love also 
Does not really suffice in life 
A final goodbye from my side!

(We shared so many moments) 

We laughed and spent moments alike 
That was like the most amazing time 
There was passion in your eyes 
Our love was so adorable and wise 
There was a magic when we were 
Together and forever in time 
But, things are not the same 
I may just not put the blame 
I just want to let go 
Of all the things that I wish to know 
Let go of that that ugly past 
Let go of things that were 
Just not meant to be 
It's a goodbye from my side my love 
Bye from me!

(Trust is what makes things work )

Trust is what makes things work 
Trust is what makes things going 
When I knew that, I lost that trust 
I also knew that i lost it all 
There was nothing left in between 
There was nothing left between us 
Its over now is all I can say 
it's all over in things this way 
Goodbye is all I want to say 
As we are breaking up this way 
I would want the best for you 
I would want that you stay happy 
It's a final goodbye from my side!

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