Inspiring Poems/ For To Day New Poems - I have seen it all


  • I have seen it all 

I have seen the storm, 
I don't fear the tide, 
Because I can face it all, 
I don't need to hide, 
I am raring to go in life 
I know how to strive, 
I have seen the storm!

  • Standing On The Shore

Standing on the shore,
Nothing you can achieve.
Doers jump in the sea,
For the pearls they wish to reap.
Deep the sea, deeper is the struggle,
Deep is the struggle, deeper is the gain.
Bigger the challenge, lesser the doers,
Being a doer, you can be a winner.
Those who keep far,
From challenges and work.
Winners they never are,
Doing nothing they always lurk
When you have the courage,
When you possess the zest.
Your destiny will turn,
Passing every test. 
To a future you make with your hands,
Being the designer of your destiny.
Holding the time like gravels of sand,
Can never be of any use.
As time has to pass and,
You are to choose,
To put efforts all that you can,
Or to lose.
So get up and have,
Faith in yourself.
As you are the only one,
To fight for your glee.
Standing on the shore,
Least you can achieve.
Doers jump in the sea,

  • Vision To Achieve

Beyond the parched land,
Is always a path to stream.
Inside every heart,
Is a desire to scream.
Every desert will have a mirage,
Every mind will have illusions.
To read the truth is a need for those,
Who wish to keep a clear vision.
Hurdles will come,
Will resist you from success.
To move ahead to reach your goal,
You need not have much to possess,
All would fall in place,
With a pinch of determination.
Nothing can strike you on face.
No hurdle, no snag can blur your vision,
Every desert will have a mirage,
Every mind will have illusions.
To read the truth is a need for those,
Who wish to keep a clear vision.

  • Aim For The Apex

Look towards the zenith,
Till your sight can see.
Aim for the apex,
Move towards it free,
Debacles are just a part of living,
But like a Brook you move,
Untouched by them,
Still learning a lesson and groove.
The threads of your destiny,
Are not woven by desires though.
They look for a heart,
To go through up and low,
The hands that can carefully,
Take them such,
That a fabric of life,
A pattern of life,
Is formed,
Mixed with colours of strife,
But still so lovely so informed,
Presenting a model for,
Many others to feel glee.
Look towards the zenith,
Till your sight can see.
Aim for the apex,
Move towards it free.

  • Reach Your Aim

Can there be any hurdle,
Bigger than your aim?
All you need is to snuggle,
With your goal to reach the fame,
Bigger the sticks' bundle,
Is bigger the effect of the flame.
Leave it for God to juggle,
As God and will are the same.

  • My ways are different

My ways may be different,
But my approach is true,
I know what I want,
I know it all through,
And I will reach my way
And I will have my say
Because I deserve the best!

  • If you have the will

If you have the will to achieve,
Why don't you go ahead.
If you have the dare to go,
Why don't you really show
That you are the best
Than all the other rest!

  • May not be the same

Things may not be so smooth now,
But, don't focus on when and how,
Rather focus on things to come,
You would be able to achieve it all
Just need to get along and
You need to stand tall
In spite all the fall!

  • If you wish to lead

If you want to lead in life,
You will feel the pain,
Where there is pain,
There is also the gain
So, keep your spirit high
And, you can really touch the sky!

  • You will achieve

Dream big as you will surely achieve your goal
Just know what is like your role
Dream big and be there to achieve
You will know for sure
What is prime and chief
Don't lose hope in life
Be there to strive!

  • Things go wrong

Things may go wrong,
You have to be strong,
Things may turn bad,
But please don't be sad
Have the courage from within
Because you can do everything!

  • Think how I know it all

Think how you can rise above the rest
Think how you can pass every test
Think and you will find your role
Where there is passion in life
There is also a definite goal
Think and act when things are fine
You will focus on things that are prime
Ways are different and means are there
So go out there and bear
Don't hold back on things you like
Coz it's your way and it's your life
Rise above the rest!

  • In this world full of

In this world full of sadness
You need a reason to smile
In this world full of chaos
You need to stay happy a while
You live once so why waste your time
On things that have no meaning in life
Just sit one moment and think
What's the need of this struggle and strive
If you are not happy from within
If you think you are wasting your time
So change the way you live and smile
Coz that way you will stay happy every while
Just a broad smile!

  • Look at the side

Look at the brightness not the sun
Look at the shine not the moon
Look at the shade of the tree
Look at the destination and not the way
Just go ahead and have your way
Make your own way!

  • Turn down a bit

Things may turn down a bit,
But that may not be the end
Just hang on as best will come
Just be there to see a change
Don't feel radical or strange
As you deserve the best in life
Just be there!

  • Its a part of your life

Failures are part of life you must know
You can't always win in your life
But if you leave that honest strive
You won't be able to reach your path
Have faith, as things will change
You may be feeling down today
But that won't be the case everyday
Coz life will change for good
So just, stick to your gut feeling
And you will be there soon!

  • Road to life and more

You can take the road less traveled
And go on the way you want to go
There will be reasons you have to find
As nothing easily goes with flow
You need to learn to find your own way
Coz you live only one life to fullest
So make the most of it come what may
Lead a good life and have your way!

  • If you find that love

If you find that love then follow your heart
That love will be purest from start
If you find true friendship then stick to it
You will enjoy that friendship in every bit
If you find solace and peace of mind
Enjoy your time being all kind
Life gives you not many ways to enjoy
Do things where you will find the joy
Enjoy every moment of life!

  • Be honest you can

Be honest and you can achieve your goal
Do your duty to know your role
If you take the easy way out
Then you can just get lost in the crowd
If you take the tough way
Then you can have your say
Coz life does not give you a reason
need to find the same
In this world full of people
Its hard to make your name
So, do your best that you can
In life's every way and test
Do good and you can do it!

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